

Getting started with Rombo for Tailwind

A powerful open source animation plugin for Tailwind CSS that brings simple, accessible, and performant animations to your projects. Built at RomboHQ.


Simple Interface, Infinite Configurability

Rombo for Tailwind follows Tailwind's utility-first philosophy by breaking down animations into composable parts. The plugin provides three types of classes:

  1. Base Animations: Core animation utilities that control individual properties
  2. Presets: Ready-made combinations for common animation patterns
  3. Modifiers: Fine-tune any animation's behavior

Accessible by Default

Rombo for Tailwind is configured to automatically respect users' reduced motion preferences. When prefers-reduced-motion is enabled:

  • Translate and scale animations are removed
  • Non-moving properties (opacity, color, blur) continue to animate
  • No additional setup required

Performance Through Native CSS

Rombo for Tailwind achieves high performance by leveraging native CSS animations:

  • Uses CSS @keyframes and animation properties
  • Avoids JavaScript runtime overhead
  • Benefits from browser optimization and hardware acceleration



About Rombo

Rombo is building the next generation of tools for animations. We're creating a toolkit for engineers, designers, and creative marketers to animate natively inside common workflows — Tailwind, Figma, Webflow, Shopify, and more.

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On this page

✨ Rombo for Chrome

Design animations visually in your browser.

Export directly to Rombo for Tailwind, CSS, or Framer Motion.
