
Base Animations

Create custom animations using Tailwind Motion's base animation classes

Base animations are the fundamental building blocks in Tailwind Motion that allow you to create custom animations by combining different properties. Each property controls a specific aspect of the animation, such as opacity, translation, or rotation.

How Base Animations Work

Base animations follow this naming pattern:

  • property: The property to animate (opacity, translate, scale, etc.)

  • direction: The animation direction:

    • in - Entrance animations
    • out - Exit animations
    • loop - Continuous animations
  • value: The target value for the animation

Quick Example

<div class="motion-opacity-in-0 motion-translate-y-in-100">
  fade in and slide in from below!
Fade in and slide in from below!

Available Properties

Tailwind Motion includes these animation properties:

Visual Properties

Filter Effects

  • Blur - Apply blur effects
  • Grayscale - Control grayscale filters

Color Animations

Combining Animations

Stack multiple animation classes to create complex effects:

<div class="motion-opacity-in-0 motion-translate-y-in-100 motion-rotate-in-90">
  Complex animation!
Complex animation!

All animations support entrance (in), exit (out), and continuous (loop) variations.

On this page

✨ Rombo for Chrome

Design animations visually in your browser.

Export directly to Rombo for Tailwind, CSS, or Framer Motion.
