
Enter Animations

Animations that trigger when elements enter the viewport or are mounted


Create entrance effects by combining multiple enter base animations:

<div class="motion-opacity-in-0 motion-translate-y-in-100 motion-blur-in-md">
  Fade in, slide up, and unblur
Fade in, slide up, and unblur


Enter animations are triggered when elements are mounted in the DOM. They're perfect for adding animations to landing pages and animating appearing elements.

Each element will automatically animate from its starting state (the value after -in-) to its default state. For example:

  • motion-opacity-in-0 starts at opacity(0) and animates to opacity(100%)
  • motion-translate-y-in-100 starts at translateY(100%) and animates to translateY(0)
  • motion-blur-in-md starts at blur(md) and animates to blur(0)
  • motion-scale-in-75 starts at scale(75%) and animates to scale(100%)

Basic Usage

Create enter animations by using any base animation with the in direction:

<div class="motion-translate-y-in-100">
  Slide up on enter
Slide up on enter

Customizing Enter Animations

You can customize enter animations using modifiers. See the applying modifiers guide for more details:

<div class="motion-translate-y-in-100 motion-duration-[2s] motion-ease-spring-smooth">
  Slow, smooth entrance
Slow, smooth entrance

Combining Enter Animations

Stack multiple enter animations to create complex effects:

<div class="motion-translate-y-in-100 motion-rotate-in-45 motion-blur-in-sm">
  Complex entrance animation
Complex entrance animation


The plugin also includes a set of presets that combine multiple properties into single, ready-to-use classes. Check out the presets page for more information.

On this page

✨ Rombo for Chrome

Design animations visually in your browser.

Export directly to Rombo for Tailwind, CSS, or Framer Motion.
