
Text Color

Animate text color transitions

Basic Usage

<div class="motion-text-in-red-500 font-bold">
  Fade from red
Fade from red

Available Values

The text color animations support:

  • All Tailwind default colors
  • Any colors you've defined in your theme configuration
  • Arbitrary values using the square bracket syntax (e.g., motion-text-in-[#ff0000])

Loop Animations

This feature currently does not work as expected.

<div class="motion-text-loop-purple-500 font-bold">
  Loop colors
Loop colors

Exit Animations

<div class="motion-text-out-[#00ff00] font-bold">
  Exit animation
Exit animation

Combining with Other Animations

<div class="motion-text-in-red-500 motion-scale-in-0 font-bold">
  Text color and scale
Text color and scale

Combining with Modifiers

<div class="motion-text-in-[#ff0000] motion-duration-[2s] font-bold">
  Slow color transition
Slow color transition

On this page

✨ Rombo for Chrome

Design animations visually in your browser.

Export directly to Rombo for Tailwind, CSS, or Framer Motion.
